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From the Inside Out

Intrinsic Motivation

 Is the core of everything we do and learn.  


To meet children and youth where they are and respect them as vehicles for their learning.

According to Falk. S, (2023) Intrinsic motivation is:


          "A term used to describe the incentive we feel to complete a task simply because we find it interesting or enjoyable.


In contrast, extrinsic motivation is:


          "What we feel when we complete a task for some external reward."


Children and youth learn better when they are intrinsically motivated and have autonomy over their learning.  (American Psychological Association.,(2024). Young people gain confidence and self-esteem when they can do things for themselves.  This is important for Early Childhood Educators and Child and Youth Care Professionals to consider as the basis of programming. 


Understanding that learning through interests is the reward, and external rewards should be limited. 


One way to determine a young person's motivation is to help them to create a vision board.  This can be achieved by seeking pictures online and printing them, or by encouraging the young person draw their vision board. Journaling is another successful method of creating this project.


Here are some websites featuring vision boards for children and youth.


Borget. J., (2024). How to Help Your Child to Follow Their Dreams by Creating a Vision Board Cherish365



Pixie.P., (2023). Vision Boards, a Teens Passport to Dreamland  Medium






American Psychological Association., (2024). Motivation: Top Twenty Principals for Early Childhood Education 



Falk. S, (2023). Understanding the Power of Intrinsic Motivation Ascend





What is Identity?

“Identity encompasses the memories, experiences, relationships, and values that create one’s sense of self. This amalgamation creates a steady sense of who one is, even as new facets are developed and incorporated into one's identity.”

                 Psychology Today                   Staff., (2024).

Identity is formed by:


Developing individual potential.


Choosing your purpose or destiny,



Finding opportunities to exert activities to reach that potential.

Culture and       Identity


Melitas., (2021). Multiethnic community concept. Diversity of people. Communication between multicultural and multiracial people. Social network concept. Sharing ideas and information between people of different races who exchange views. Communication concept. Dialogue between different cultures. Talk or converse with people abroad. Dialogue between colleagues or collaborators or collaborators of different races. Concept of globalization and integration iStok

The concept of self was derived from Western cultures.  Some cultures limit choices and experiences for girls.  Boys are given a hierarchy and are considered to be the dominant gender.  This affects forming identity.  Globalization of industry has led to cultural exchange, and these influences have impacted the idea that expectations of cultural limitations can be questioned.  Bicultural identities form and as the individual assimilates to the new culture or values they may change their perception of their former self.  A separated cultural identity is when an individual may not see themselves as Canadian or African if they identify as black. Marginal identities occur when an adolescent may belong to one culture by birth and have friends from another culture, leaving them to feel as though they do not fit in with either culture.

How can ECE's and CYC's foster the developing sense of Self and Identity in children and Adolescents?

  • Self Perception Profile for       Adolescence

Within this PDF file is an example of a self perception profile quiz that can help CYC’s and their client to understand a baseline for self-perception during intake and this can be reviewed later to note any changes

  • 3 Compliments Journal

  • For children and adolescents with low self-esteem, have them keep a journal to write 3 compliments to themselves each time you meet.

  • Foster Family Connections

  • Create aesthetically pleasing environments. Take advantage of natural light and outdoor spaces.

Understanding the Self helps to define one's Identity.


Self: Understanding
who you are.

Self Esteem/Self Concept:
An all-embracing sense
of self-worth.

Self-identity: How you
view yourself. Also known as:
Self-perception and

Personal judgement
on the performance
of a particular task

Identity in Children:


Seventyfour. (n.d.) Interracial friends in park. Motion Array.

Brofenbrener's Ecological
        Systems Theory

Urie Brofenbrenner theorized that a person's life development is attributed to a lifelong inter-connection with their immediate surroundings, familiar people and their culture.

Guy-Evans.O., (2024). 


According to this theory, Identity in childhood is greatly impacted by their immediate environment and the influences of their broader environment. 


The microsystem is the most influential in childhood.  It consists of the child's immediate family and school.


Practical Psychology., (2024). Eriskson’s Stages of Psychosocial Development

Erikson's Stages of Development

Practical Psychology..,(2024)., Erikson's Stages of Psychosocial Development

Erik Erikson had similar views to Brofenbrenner,

attributing social interactions as being linked to psychosocial development. This theory hypothesizes that positive childhood experiences create healthy building blocks for child development.  Adverse childhood experiences hinder the foundations for child development.


These experiences ultimately influence a child's developing identity.

Identity Crisis in       Adolescence

Erikson's 5th stage of psychosocial development was referred to as Identity Versus Role Confusion.

  • Physical Activity

  • builds self-confidence and develops a positive body image.

  • Develop programs

  • according to interests, culture, traditions, and strengths.

During this stage, adolescents Challenge what has been learned and who they will become.

They explore the world, prune values, make choices, and try new things to solidify new devotions.



Cherry. K., (2022). Erikson’s Stages of Development Verywellmind




Guy-Evans. O., (2024). Brofenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory Simply Psychology




Practical Psychology., (2024). Eriskson’s Stages of Psychosocial Development


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