The Value of Play
From the Inside Out
Children learn with their whole bodies, and I love to expose them to sensory-rich environments where they can explore, discover and solve problems naturally through play.
All photographs on this page were acquired by me in my occupation as a professional nanny from 2020-2024.
The sound of the crunching of leaves underfoot, birds chirping and squirrels scurrying . The smell of autumn foliage tickling my nose. Acorns, sticks, and rocks, become a home for the toad I caught. Rakes, shovels and spades are the tools for the dirt and mud, moulded to my creative pleasure with my hands. I line everything up until my eyes are satisfied with what I see. I taste the damp air. I am learning with my senses. I am outside. I am 2.
I'm crawling and scooting, I hold on and push forward. I'm growing strong and steady. I climb and I slide, I step up and I fall. I'm learning to walk. I'm getting stronger. I'm inside.
I see that you can do it, and I can do it too. I think it would be awesome if I could be just like you. I think you're fun to play with but I'm not sure how to yet. For now, I will play next to you. I'm glad that you're my friend!