Professional Biography and CV
I believe identity is formed in early childhood and continues to develop throughout the lifespan.
I believe intrinsic motivation is the basis of decision-making and the foundation of learning.
I believe in providing experiences for children and youth based on their interests and intrinsic motivation. This leads to self-exploration, developing self-help skills, self-confidence, and empowerment.
By building upon what young people already know and helping them develop through self-discovery and questioning, I believe I am equipping them with a desire for knowledge by supporting their curiosity.
I believe that by starting with the strengths and interests of young people, it is possible to strengthen their weaknesses. Building self-confidence and trust in self and others supports the motivation to accept new challenges.
My Strengths:
I have a genuine eclectic appreciation for the arts. I strive to provide an integrated curriculum based on visual, dramatic, musical, and movement/physical creative arts. Singing and music are my passion. I have former training as a Kindermusik teacher and love incorporating music and movement in my programming with young people.
I am skilled at observing and recording children’s play, interpreting these observations according to child development, planning new experiences from these observations to support new learning, evaluating planned experiences, and following up on them. This is the cycle of programming according to needs and interests.
I am passionate about creating an aesthetically pleasing learning environment that supports curiosity, providing natural resources and found objects to support open-ended experiences.
I have a working knowledge of providing a sensory-rich learning environment to stimulate the 5 senses.
I can identify signs and symptoms of developmental trauma and understand how to provide an environment that encompasses provisions for triggers. I can help young people to have a voice in approaches to care and support.
I am committed to ongoing professional development and training. I am motivated to learn new skills to support young people and families.